In the world of online advertising, two prominent names frequently come up: Google AdSense and Adsterra. Both platforms offer opportunities for website owners and publishers to monetize their online content, but they operate in distinct ways and come with their unique sets of features and advantages. In this article, we will delve into the differences between Google AdSense and Adsterra to help you make an informed decision about which one suits your needs best.

Google AdSense: The Giant in Contextual Advertising

Google AdSense is one of the most well-known and widely used advertising programs on the internet. It was launched by Google in 2003 and has since become a go-to choice for many website owners and bloggers looking to monetize their content. AdSense specializes in contextual advertising, where ads are displayed on a website based on the content’s context and the user’s interests.

  1. Approval Process

One of the key advantages of Google AdSense is its stringent approval process. To be accepted into the AdSense program, your website must meet Google’s quality guidelines. This includes having original, valuable content, a user-friendly website design, and complying with Google’s policies. This rigorous process helps maintain the quality of ads and content displayed on AdSense publishers’ websites.

  1. Ad Quality

Google AdSense prides itself on offering high-quality ads to its publishers. The platform uses an automated system to ensure that ads are relevant to the website’s content and the user’s interests. This helps improve the user experience and boosts the chances of higher click-through rates (CTR) and earnings for publishers.

  1. Ad Formats

AdSense offers a variety of ad formats, including display ads, text ads, native ads, and video ads. This flexibility allows publishers to choose the ad formats that best fit their website’s layout and audience. Additionally, Google continually optimizes the ad formats for better performance.

  1. Revenue Share

Google AdSense operates on a revenue-sharing model, where publishers receive a portion of the revenue generated from ads displayed on their websites. Google typically takes a 32% share, leaving 68% for the publishers. This revenue share is often considered fair and competitive within the industry.

Adsterra: A Versatile Ad Network

Adsterra, on the other hand, is a rapidly growing ad network that offers a wide range of advertising options. Unlike AdSense, Adsterra isn’t limited to contextual advertising and provides a more diverse set of options to monetize websites.

  1. Approval Process

Adsterra’s approval process is relatively easier compared to AdSense. While they have certain requirements, they are generally more lenient, making it accessible to a wider range of websites. This lower barrier to entry can be appealing to smaller website owners and those in niche markets.

  1. Ad Quality

Adsterra offers various ad formats, but they may not always match the quality control standards of AdSense. While Adsterra strives to maintain ad quality, some publishers have reported encountering lower-quality or less relevant ads on their websites. This can impact user experience and potentially lower CTR.

  1. Ad Formats

Adsterra provides a wide array of ad formats, including pop-under, display, video, and native ads. This versatility can be advantageous for publishers looking to experiment with different ad types and placements to maximize their earnings.

  1. Revenue Share

Adsterra offers competitive revenue-sharing options to its publishers, with rates that vary depending on factors such as the source of traffic and the type of ads used. The revenue share can range from 60% to 90%, with the potential for higher earnings, especially for publishers with high-quality traffic.

Key Differences Between Google AdSense and Adsterra

Now that we’ve explored the individual features of both Google AdSense and Adsterra, let’s highlight the key differences between the two:

  1. Approval Process: AdSense has a more rigorous approval process, focusing on quality and compliance with strict guidelines. In contrast, Adsterra has a more accessible approval process, making it easier for a broader range of websites to join the platform.
  2. Ad Quality: AdSense places a strong emphasis on ad quality, ensuring that ads are relevant and of high standards. Adsterra, while striving to maintain ad quality, may not always provide ads that meet the same standards, potentially impacting user experience.
  3. Ad Formats: AdSense offers a variety of ad formats, but its primary focus is on contextual advertising. Adsterra, on the other hand, offers a wider range of ad formats, giving publishers more options to experiment with different types of ads.
  4. Revenue Share: Google AdSense provides a standard revenue share of 68% for publishers, which is relatively consistent across the board. Adsterra offers a more flexible revenue-sharing model that can range from 60% to 90%, allowing publishers to potentially earn more with high-quality traffic.
  5. Monetization Options: Adsterra offers a more diverse set of monetization options, including pop-under, display, video, and native ads, making it suitable for websites with various traffic sources and audience types. AdSense, while versatile, primarily focuses on contextual advertising.


In the world of online advertising, both Google AdSense and Adsterra have their strengths and weaknesses. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs and goals as a website owner or publisher. Google AdSense is renowned for its high-quality ads and strict guidelines, making it an excellent choice for websites with high-quality content and a strong focus on user experience. Adsterra, on the other hand, provides a more accessible entry point and a wider variety of ad formats, making it suitable for a broader range of websites.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on your website’s content, your audience, and your preferences as a publisher. Some website owners may choose to use both platforms simultaneously to maximize their revenue streams. Whichever path you choose, it’s essential to keep user experience in mind and ensure that the ads displayed align with your website’s content and audience expectations.