Joomla is a popular and versatile content management system (CMS) used to create websites of various types and complexities. Whether you’re a web developer, a website owner, or just a curious internet user, you might wonder how to identify if a website is built using Joomla. In this article, we’ll explore the telltale signs and methods to recognize Joomla-powered websites.

  1. Check the URL

One of the simplest ways to identify if a website is built with Joomla is by examining the URL. Joomla-powered websites often have a specific URL structure. A common indication is the presence of “/index.php” or “/component” in the URL. For example, a Joomla site may have URLs like “” or “”

However, it’s essential to note that website owners can customize the URL structure in Joomla, so this method is not foolproof. They might use URL rewriting to create user-friendly URLs, making it less obvious that the site is Joomla-based.

  1. Look for the “Powered by Joomla” Footer

Joomla displays a “Powered by Joomla” message in the footer by default. This message is a clear giveaway that the website is built with Joomla. However, many website owners choose to remove or hide this message for branding or aesthetic reasons. As a result, the absence of this message doesn’t definitively rule out Joomla as the CMS.

  1. Inspect the Page Source Code

For a more reliable way to identify Joomla, you can inspect the website’s source code. Right-click on the web page and select “View Page Source” or “Inspect” in your web browser. This opens the page’s source code, where you can search for Joomla-specific code elements.

In Joomla, you might find references to Joomla classes, CSS files, or JavaScript libraries that are typically included in Joomla templates and extensions. Look for keywords like “Joomla,” “com_” (a common prefix for Joomla components), or the presence of Joomla-specific CSS classes.

  1. Examine the Favicon

The favicon, the small icon displayed in your browser’s tab or address bar, can provide clues about the CMS used. Joomla often uses a specific favicon image, which is a stylized “J!” icon in white on a red background. If you spot this favicon on a website, it’s a strong indication that the site is Joomla-based.

  1. Check for Administrative Login URLs

Joomla has a specific administrative login URL, which is usually “/administrator.” If you come across a URL like “,” it’s a significant hint that the website is using Joomla as its CMS. This URL is the entry point for website administrators to access the backend of their Joomla site.

  1. Analyze the Content Structure

Joomla organizes content using a hierarchical structure. You can often spot this organization in the URL, with categories and articles represented in the path. For example, “” Additionally, Joomla frequently uses the term “categories” and “articles” to categorize and manage content. If you see these terms prominently on a website, it suggests a Joomla CMS.

  1. Explore the Extensions and Modules

Joomla relies heavily on extensions and modules to extend its functionality. Check the website for any unique features, functionalities, or content elements that are commonly associated with Joomla extensions. Some popular Joomla extensions include K2, VirtueMart, and EasyBlog. If you find any of these or similar extensions, it’s a strong indication that the website is built on Joomla.

  1. Identify Joomla Templates

Joomla websites often use specific templates that are designed to work seamlessly with the CMS. If you’re familiar with Joomla’s default templates or popular Joomla template providers, you can recognize the style and layout used in these templates. Additionally, some websites might include copyright information or links to the template provider in the footer, providing a clear indication of Joomla’s usage.

  1. Test for Vulnerabilities

While not a surefire method, testing for vulnerabilities can sometimes reveal the CMS used. Tools like “What CMS” or online CMS detectors can help you identify the content management system of a website by scanning for known vulnerabilities and patterns specific to that CMS. However, these tools may not always provide accurate results, so use this method with caution.

  1. Contact the Website Owner

If you’re still uncertain about whether a site is built with Joomla, you can reach out to the website owner or administrator and ask. Many website owners are transparent about the CMS they use and are willing to share this information with interested parties.


Identifying whether a website is built in Joomla involves a combination of methods, and the accuracy of your determination can vary. While some websites openly display their Joomla affiliation, others may take measures to hide it for various reasons. Using a combination of the methods mentioned above, you can develop a reasonably accurate assessment of whether a site is Joomla-powered. Whether you’re a Joomla enthusiast, a web developer, or just a curious internet user, recognizing the CMS behind a website can be an intriguing detective game that enhances your web-surfing experience.